Rainmaker Managed I.T.

User Management

Does the receptionist really need to have access to the financial records?

Rainmaker uses the industry standard for user management and access control - Active Directory.

AD is the foundation of the Rainmaker's access and identity management and provides a single point of reference for all employee information.

Or as Gandalf would say: one login to rule them all.

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Product Information

User Management

Rainmaker's AD infrastructure keeps a record on all employee access and identity information - from theirĀ email address, contact numbers and current role, right through to access to files, folders and programs.

Complementing the AD system are client-side Domain Controllers; simple server instances which handle security and authentication requests locally. Domain Controllers work by storing a secured, read-only copy of your Active Directory database on-site, which is replicated nightly from Rainmaker's master AD file. This means that Group Policy settings are accessed and applied from within your internal network, providing an instant response to authentication requests.

When we update a user's AD information, the change is replicated around the entire Rainmaker Network automatically, meaning a user's access and identity is tightly controlled and managed properly.

Security Groups

Security groups can be defined to allow or deny access to content, in either your internal LAN or the wider Rainmaker Network. This could be as simple as providing access to a selected folder on your file server just for managers or restricting external VPN access for remote users.

Seamless Access

As AD is a key component of Rainmaker Network, users will only need to remember one username and password. Each unique username and password will provide seamless access to all Rainmaker resources, avoiding the hassle of remembering different login details for each system or application.

Group Policy

Rainmaker can tailor Group Policy settings to users and computers within your internal network.

Group Policies can be created from a pool of over 2,500 individual settings, ranging from security, access, display settings and power management to name but a few. Furthermore, Group Policies can be defined to a selection of users or individually, giving you granular control over every aspect of your digital workplace.